Kalli Dakos

Kalli Dakos has been delighting readers with poetry since the release of her best-selling book, If You’re Not Here, Please Raise Your Hand. She has written six IRA-CBC Children’s ChoiceSelections, such as Our Principal Promised to Kiss a Pig and Don’t Read This Book, Whatever You Do. Her 2011 title A Funeral in the Bathroom is a Children’s Book Award Finalist. Kalli’s They Only See the Outside has received the 2022 NCTE Award for Excellence in Children’s Poetry and Verse Novels.
Kalli is a former reading specialist and a frequent visitor to schools throughout the United States and Canada. She has inspired a love of reading and writing with her dynamic, interactive program celebrating life within elementary school classrooms.
Kalli presently resides in Ottawa, Canada with her family, commuting to her office one hour away in Ogdensburg, New York.
Kalli is looking forward to the publication of her next picture books in 2022-2023
Website Link: www.kallidakos.com
In this adorable, brightly colored board book, a little girl discovers the magic of buttons. From buttons at home to buttons at school, kids will see buttons in new and fun-loving ways as they learn about the world. And at the end, children will be delighted to find one very special button that all children have and love—their belly buttons!
Buttons will inspire little fingers to join in all sorts of new daily activities, but watch out! Because kids love pressing buttons, no matter what the buttons do! (The Children’s Book Council, 9/2023)

Representing authors and author/illustrators to trade publishers. Including books for ages from baby to young adult fiction and nonfiction.